All about participants

Get to know how we handle things regarding our participants.
Written by Braingineer
Updated 1 year ago

For each Brainpeek 10 participants are recruited. In general there are 2 options for the target group: a target group representative for (Dutch) society or a target group with specific selection criteria. These two groups are further explained below.

National representative sample

For recruiting national representative participants for our Brainpeek tests, we use our own panel which is regularly updated with new participants. We also keep track of how often a participant comes by and for which customer. We ensure that age and level of education are well distributed among the group of participants. A participant may only perform a test once, in order to get the best possible picture of the initial reaction to the product / website.

Specific participant criteria

If you are interested in a specific target group, e.g. mortgage owner, younger / older website users, it's also possible to recruit participants accordingly (additional investment required). If the criteria are too specific for Braingineers to recruit, we use an external recruitment agency.

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