Understanding the emotions

A description of the emotions to better understand the measurements within Brainpeek.
Written by Braingineer
Updated 6 months ago

As Braingineers has developed its own emotion analytics models, we are able to pinpoint the exact moments of frustration, joy, and attention. In combination with eye tracking, we can precisely determine which elements on the website have evoked these emotions.


Joy is a purely positive emotion that represents positive experiences on your website. Examples of positive experiences include reaching a goal, getting results that match the user’s expectations, visuals that induce a positive feeling or positive surprises such as price reductions. A joyful experience may contribute to better brand attitude, a more positive experience and a higher CTR.


Attention can be described as the cognitive process involved in information processing. Levels of attention are increased when reading, writing or processing (difficult) sections of text. When attention is correlated with frustration, the flow might require too much cognitive load, resulting in drop-out behaviour. On the other hand, attention is related to memory consolidation. It is therefore beneficial when attention is positively correlated with a joyful moment.


Frustration can be defined as not being able to reach your goal. It is an important emotion for us, since it indicates bottlenecks in a flow. Frustration can be caused by various events, such as not being able to proceed in the process or feeling obstructed, experiencing mental bottlenecks, not understanding text or visuals or a mismatch between expectations and reality. Frustration is the most important emotion to explain drop out behaviour. Optimising elements that cause high frustration leads to improved conversion and reduced drop out behaviour.

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