Ideas for testing

Get inspired to start testing.
Written by Braingineer
Updated 6 months ago

Brainpeek is most commonly used to investigate sales and service flows. We know that frustration is cumulative and tends to build up as flows progress, so by identifying key contributors to frustration, both the completion rate and the overall experience of sales/service flows can be optimized.

However, the effectiveness of Brainpeek is not limited to these flows. Below are some ideas for other ways to apply our method: 

1. Mobile App

As you may know, we offer testing on both desktop and mobile devices. This means our methods can evaluate the effectiveness of your app. Due to the shift towards mobile-first it is becoming more and more important to optimise your mobile journeys. Regularly test your main funnels in your app to keep up with the mobile first transition.

2. Email optimization 

Use Brainpeek to test your (campaign) emails, to see which elements induce joy and which elements aren't understood well and could lead to frustration. Based on these insights, optimisations can be made to enhance the experience and click rate/conversion of your email campaigns. 

3. Prototype testing

Do you have a prototype that hasn't been launched yet, and want to make sure it's effective? Test your new features and designs as a prototype to make sure you identify the main bottlenecks already before releasing them to the public. Release your prototype with confidence knowing you'll make a good first impression - and help make the development process further down the line more efficient. 

4. Benchmark testing

Perform a benchmark test to find out what's going on in your industry. Learn from the top performers in your industry as well as from the most commonly  made mistakes.

5. Chatbot optimization

The expectations people have when entering a conversation with a chatbot are vastly different to those with a human. Investigate the impact of your chatbot's interactions on subconscious experience. Although a chatbot should help vistors reach their goal, it often negatively influences subconscious experience and doesn't provide visitors the information they are looking for. Optimise your chatbot to make sure it helps visitors reach their goals.

6. Landing page exploration

In order to get most out of your social campaigns, focus on optimising the whole funnel; from advertisement/social post, to landing page till checkout. This will give a holistic view about the efficiency of your advertisement and will give you insights into whether expectations are met.

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